
TimeGeneral Programfirst day, friday 28.07.
7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30Plenary
10:30 – 13:00Workshopphase 1
13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak
15:00 – 17:30Workshopphase 2Start: 16 h
Staring Mountains – the Revolutions in Chiapas and Rojava –
17:30 – 18:30Free time, e.g. for affinity groupsopening of the photo exhibition „Threatened Utopias“ – with the collective SlumilCinko
18:30 – 19:30Dinner18 h Dinner
Evening Program19:30 h Opening Event

Timesaturday, 29.07.
7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30Plenary
10:30 – 13:00tent 1: History of Internationalism in Germany (FRG and GDR, until about 94)
tent 2: The current uprising in Iran, a historical analysis
tent 3: Connection and the collective heart
tent 4: Presentation of KoWa and Kommuja-Network of political communes
Kids Space: Puppet theater and Puppet crafting
Open Space
13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak
15:00 – 17:30 tent 1: History of Internationalism in Germany (from about 94 on)
tent 2: Doku screening and Discussion with Kiezkollektiv Hannover
tent 3: Connection and the collective heart
tent 4: The interoceanic corredor: grave threat of indiginouse people, the mother nature and regional soverenity – global campaign #ElIstmoEsNuestro (the Istmo is ours) Maderas del Pueblo, AC
Kids Space:
Open Space
17:30 – 18:30Free time, e.g. for affinity groups
18:30 – 19:30Dinner
Evening Program: Concerts
other offers, spontaneous (all days possible)
  • Exchange: Dealing with the Jobcenter
  • Massage workshop
  • Encrypting workshop – (bring your devices!)
  • Workshop climbing or climbing rescue
  • Antirepression workshop
  • Input about „Leinemasch stays“ and forest occupation in Hanover „Tümpeltown“
  • Input about civil sea rescue
  • Exchange on political education work on Tren Maya, Zapatista and CNI (Congreso Nacional Indígena)
  • Theater as Empowerment

  • Timesunday, 30.07., Zapatista Day, presentation of existing solidarity structures in Germany
    7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
    8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
    9:30 – 10:30Plenary
    10:30 – 13:00tent 1: Rebeldía K’un K’un – ser internacionalista: Report of a Compa of Balumil from Oventik, Chiapas – lecture and presentation of Balumil
    tent 2: Presentation of Carea e.V. and current situation in Chiapas, Mexico
    tent 3: Bats’i K’op Zapatista, In their own language. Zapatist cosmovision and political vision.
    tent 4: Aroma Zapatista: Film and talk
    Kids Space: Puppet theater and Puppet crafting
    Open Space
    13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak – 14:30 h message of solidarity
    15:00 – 17:30 tent 1: Chiapas98 and Partner in the south of Mexico
    tent 2: Ya-Basta-Network: The Sexta, the declaration for life and us (Netz der Rebellion)
    tent 3: Jineoloji as a science of feminist revolution
    tent 4:
    Kids Space:
    Open Space
    17:30 – 18:30Free time, e.g. for affinity groups
    18:30 – 19:30Dinner
    Evening ProgramSunna Huygen

    Jchabivanejetic ta ac`ubal – Guardians of the night. A book becomes a ship.
    other offers, spontaneous (all days possible)see list at program of saturday

    Timemonday, 31.07.
    7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
    8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
    9:30 – 10:30Plenary
    10:30 – 13:00tent 1: „What does your heart say when you fight?“ – Report from a visit of the zapatista autonomous territories – with travel group „Semillas“
    tent 2: Overcommoning Capitalism Or: How many worlds fit into this world – with Friederike Habermann, NOW NET
    tent 3: Exchange: Ancestral knowledge and cultural appropiation
    tent 4:
    Kids Space: Clowns
    Open Space
    13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak
    15:00 – 17:30 tent 1: „What does your heart say when you fight?“ – Report from a visit of the zapatista autonomous territories – with travel group „Semillas“
    tent 2: Workshop systemic consensus building
    tent 3: Report of the caravan „Mesoamerica for the Buen Vivir of the people in resistance“ from spring 2023
    tent 4:
    Kids Space:
    Open Space
    17:30 – 18:30Free time, e.g. for affinity groups
    18:30 – 19:30Dinner
    Evening ProgramThe anticolonial and ecological struggles of the Sami
    other offers, spontaneous (all days possible)see list at program of saturday

    Timetuesday, 01.08.
    7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
    8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
    9:30 – 10:30Plenary
    10:30 – 13:00tent 1: El Sur Resiste Reports from the Caravan and the struggle against Tren Maya and Corredor Transístmico in Mexico – with Compas from the Istmo
    tent 2: solidarity economies
    tent 3: WomenDefendRojava – Jin Jiyan Azadî – Together we defend life: Women’s Revolution in Kurdistan and a Global Feminist Struggle for Living Utopias!
    tent 4: Neocolonial environmental protection: Input and exchange on NETTO ZERO and 30/30 plan – with GfbV
    Kids Space: Participatory theater play „The eyes of the Lacandon jungle“ – with the Kollektiv SlumilCinko
    Open Space
    13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak
    15:00 – 17:30 tent 1: El Sur Resiste Reports from the Caravan and the struggle against Tren Maya and Corredor Transístmico in Mexico – with Compas from the Istmo
    tent 2: Defend Kurdistan – 11 years of revolution in Rojava and the current situation
    tent 3: Workshop: Fighting against deportation and practical solidarity – Network Asylum Solidarity (Thüringen)
    tent 4:
    Kids Space:
    Open Space
    17:30 – 18:30Free time, e.g. for affinity groups
    18:30 – 19:30Dinner
    Evening Programshort movie night with „Ojo al Sancocho“
    Singing of resistant songs together – group „gemeinsame kämpfen“
    other offers, spontaneous (all days possible)see list at program of saturday

    Timewednesday, 02.08.
    7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
    8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
    9:30 – 10:30Plenary
    10:30 – 13:00tent 1: Initiative Demokratischer Konföderalismus – Where do we stand as anti-systemic forces in Germany?
    tent 2: Workshop foundation of a collective – with educational collective Stuhlkreisrevolte
    tent 3: Workshop medical plants
    tent 4:
    Kids Space: Clowns
    Open Space
    13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak
    15:00 – 17:30 tent 1: Network of Rebellion
    tent 2: Worshop „The Landung (El Desembarco)“ about zapatista literature – with the collective SlumilCinko
    tent 3: Workshop medical plants
    tent 4:
    Kids Space:
    Open Space
    17:30 – 18:30Free time, e.g. for affinity groups
    18:30 – 19:30Dinner
    closing, then concerts and DJs
    other offers, spontaneous (all days possible)see list at program of saturday

    Timethursday, 03.08.
    7:30 – 8:30Body and Meditation
    8:00 – 9:30Breakfast
    9:30 – 10:30open
    10:30 – 13:00open
    13:00 – 15:00Lunchbreak
    15:00 – 17:30dismantling

    The program is already well filled. Nevertheless, you have the possibility to spontaneously offer something in Open Space at any time during the camp.

    Evening Program

    Committed so far:


    La Fanfarria del Capitán


    Zoë Aqua


    La Partyzipation

    Political Cabaret

    Sunna Huygen


    Arbeitstitel Tortenschlacht

    Exposición fotográfica

    „Utopía amenazada – Las revueltas en Chiapas y Rojava“

    Colectivo SlumilCinko

    Presentación del libro

    Jchabivanejetic ta ac’ubal – Guardianes de la noche. Un libro se convierte en barco

    Colectivo SlumilCinko